One of them is Dr. Lisa Chu. She writes a blog called "The Music Within Us" and I really love one of the last pieces she wrote. Here is "At Peace with Confusion".
If you want to read it on her blog, it's at:
At Peace with Confusion | The Music Within Us
I don’t know about you, but I’m finding that I’m easily hooked by the idea that I need expert advice in order to do something “right”, and that I need a formula to follow in order to be successful.
With all of my inner work over the past year and a half, you’d think I’d be over it. You’d think I’d have found Nirvana, bliss, equanimity, access to Buddha nature.
Yeah, I thought so too.
What I’m really finding is that life keeps challenging me to keep a sense of humor as I learn to trust myself. I veer off the path (or am I merely on a twisty part of it?) and find myself enrolled in another program, following dutifully along like the great student I’ve always been. But then I look at the pile of assignments I’ve given myself, and I wonder, “What test am I studying for? Whose grade am I trying to earn here?”
Lately, life has been challenging me to keep stepping back into observer mode, as I charge forward with every opportunity life serves me. I step into my own power, and then my mind leads me back into the weeds, as if to test my own abilities and force me to validate what I say that I believe in.
It’s all part of building confidence, becoming clear, and feeling real in this new incarnation I’ve been given.
That’s what I tell myself as I sort through what feels like confusion.
Today I read a Self-Care card that said, “Peace” on one side, and “Embrace your confusion” on the other. I smiled, because it seemed perfect for me on this day to read that message.
I am confused. There, I said it. And I haven’t been able to admit that to myself for awhile. I can tell I’m confused because I’m looking outside myself for answers. I’m asking other people for their advice, opinions, inputs, and when I hear the answers I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what I want to do.
Correction: I do know what I want to do, but I have not freed myself to just do that one thing in front of me right now – the very thing I know will take me one step closer to where I want to go. I am caught in a feeling of needing to do Something Else, or More, than what I’m doing right in this moment.
Breathing, hiking in nature, and reading the affirmation, “My full attention is always enough” have helped. But my “full” attention is too often spread diffusely across a list of Something Else or More to do, rather than just this one task in front of me right now. I know I need to say to myself, “Never mind whether or not it will sell, never mind if it’s “too late” to start marketing it, never mind if I don’t know what to call it yet.”
“Just do the one thing in front of me right now.”
Just this.
Right now.
Using that mantra, I finished a whole blog post from beginning to end in less than one hour. Including finding a photo, uploading a related video, and composing all the written words.
How did I do it? I didn’t worry about anything else that I could be, or should be, doing. I just wrote the damn blog post. I didn’t worry about whether it would fit, who would like it or even read it, or more importantly, who would get pissed off about my being totally honest. I didn’t worry about the Rules that say what you should write about, and whether keywords would match search engine optimization for my site.
I just wrote from my heart about what I’m experiencing right now in my life. Not what I think I “should” be experiencing, not trying to be a “role model” for anything, not putting pressure on myself to be “put together” and perfect. But being all of me, who right now is a little confused, a little challenged, a little faced with conflicting messages, a full schedule, a juggling act of balancing personal, professional, and just plain fun in my life.
That’s what life is for me right now. And if I’m really calling myself a life coach, it’s only fair for me to talk about what’s really happening in my life. Right now.