Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Websites for Those Making Career Transitions or Starting a Business

I know many of you in our network are currently working, but for those who may be re-entering the workforce, starting your own business, or thinking about changing careers, here are some interesting sites to consider.  In addition, I have added the Transition Network which covers just about everything.

I know there are many sites out there, so if you have discovered one that you think would be of interest to other members, please let me know so I can do a follow-up post.

Thanks, Denise   -    resources and connections for women entrepreneurs -    resources and connections for re-entering the workforce   -    community of women over 50, who join forces as they navigate the transition from one career to another -- or whatever is next

In addition, I would highly recommend contacting the Alumni Association or Career Center of the college, university, or graduate school that you might have attended.  Many of them have programs in place to help alums.